
Trust: A Climb, Not a Coin?

Trust: A Climb, Not a Coin?- A Chapter from my upcoming book

Inspired by Sandeep Bagla CEO TRUST Mutual Fund , someone who embodies it all.

Unlike popular belief that “Trust is a currency hence, spend it wisely” .

This outlook makes TRUST look transactional. Which isn’t exactly what “Trust” is.

I have come to realise, trust isn’t a some dollars to be spent and depleted.

As i see , it’s something like a “Staircase”

Yes, a staircase that spirals upwards in the human experience. As I see around and experienced. We all are on our journey upwards.  Every misstep, every broken promise, might send us tumbling down a few rungs. But the beauty lies in this: the climb always resumes, watching every step ahead. Climbing the staircase of human experiences one step at a time.

With every wrong step we brush ourselves off, dust ourselves down, and continue the ascent. On the way, we encounter others on their own journeys, some ascending with steady steps, others clinging to shaky footholds. We offer a hand up or word of encouragement.

So, What is Trust?

For me trust is a collective endeavour.

Trust isn’t a singular entity, a person, or a thing. It’s the very air we breathe into our ether and relationships. It’s the quiet confidence that when we reach out, a hand will be there to meet ours. It’s the vulnerability we share, the knowledge that even when we fall, the ground won’t disappear. And everyone misses a step now and then. I see trust as kindness that you feel towards those climbing up or those taken a few steps down.

To give you an example, it was trust in the market ecosystem ,potential of the asset class which is Equity , faith in small savings and step ahead was  SIPs( Systematic Investment Plan ,)  to which I added small amounts. Since my 2nd salary , i have been an investor and took SIP as a tool.

Later on, life threw me a curveball, knocking me down several floors, not just a few steps. But what I witnessed next was truly empowering. I had financial assets that gave me life line and  i could sail through distress . In a way i can say that , the entire asset management industry came together to help me get back on my feet. 

From the context what is trust ? My investments were made with trust in the asset class ,  ecosystem, where everyone from regulators to participants (like fund managers, analysts , broker etc) played a crucial role in building that trust. 

This is an affirmative feeling you get when you see the right things are done around you and you are beneficiary.Feeling of Accountability , Reliability , this experience solidified my faith – even if I encountered a bad advisor or broker, or headwinds , it didn’t derail my journey. I  learnt from it, rebuild trust, and keep moving forward. As I developed TRUST in the ecosystem. 

On this path, you’ll meet people who can help you take the next steps, and others who, like you, have taken a few steps back but remain committed to the course.

When you tumble 

That’s trust, “it’s a co-owned space we share in the Ether “

Trust is a journey, not a destination.

It’s a continuous act of faith in ourselves and in the possibility of connection, even amidst uncertainty. We build trust by living with integrity and by offering a helping hand to others along the way. Every stumble is a learning experience, and every connection strengthens the path we forge. This attribute involves feeling like the other person has your best interests at heart. You trust that they will not intentionally mislead or harm you, and that they may even go the extra mile to help you.

There’s no room for judgement – it’s about embracing the climb together.

Hence , its not a commodity that one should be careful while spending. Those who don’t learn will fall off , Spoiler alert! as there isn’t space on the ladder !

Trust is one of the key elements within your 5th Element!!

Sub chapters glimpses

– So TRUST is not Transactional?

Well yes and no! In absence of certain human characteristics……

– HOW to Trust?

Like a child who is  thrown up in the sky smiling perfectly while landing in Parents arms!

Feel it , your Ether has it …..

– TRUST requires forgiveness, how to forgive ?

This reminds me of a quote I wrote in my son’s diary –

” How to Forgive ?

“Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the very heel that has crushed it.”~ Mark Twain

Love Ma “

17 June 2018

End –


All copywrites rest with EtherWire Ai Pvt Ltd. and Ether advisory.

Its an extract of a Chapter from authors upcoming book based on personal reflections.

This chapter is inspired by Sandeep Bagla CEO TRUST Mutual Fund.

Read more about him

Company Url – www.trustmf.com

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Linkedin Handle- https://www.linkedin.com/in/sandeep-bagla-ab05655

Tweeter @BaggyBoy007